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princesskellyscastle.blogspot.com ♥
Thursday, June 30, 2005

Take the MIT Weblog Survey
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

tonite, after work, i went to my parents house to pick up my mail. i was supposed to go tanning, but traffic was especially horrendous today, and i drove all the way out to grafton, so it was nearing 7 by the time i escaped the parents house. I headed to bettys. Yay!! we had planned to go walking. betty has started running. i still hurt from monday, so i was all set with running. so she walked/ran. and i walked. i jogged 1 lap, but my legs are real sore. i am so not used to exercise!!
so after our exercise, we went back to lizzies house. i did my laundry. (i tried to go to a coin op in framingham, and the washers were 6 dollars a load. ummm yeh right! so i am pretty desperate and needed clean underwear. liz really is a great friend). liz made us dinenr and we watched beauty and the geek and dancing with the stars. i was so sad joe mac is gone. hes my bf. i will post the pictures of us together one day. unfortunately they are on regular film, not digital, so i have to go through the trouble of scanning em in. :) i heart joe mac.
o, so for dinner, we had burgers and corn on the cob. liz made the corn in the microwave, and i thought she was insane. but it was actually REALLY GOOD!! i learned a great new trick! wooo hooo,. so now i have just 1 day left before a nice loooong 4 day weekend. yippeeee. i cant wait. tomorrow night is blogger night out, and later on i am going with roach to mullet heads, my favorite place ever!! every thurs night this band dresses up as these 80s hairband people and plays all 80s hairband music. its so fantastic, but usually w/ work on fri, its hard to go. i am so so so looking forward. i need to hear some cherry pie and18 and life. i am such an 80s child!!
anyhow, i had a blast tonite with liz and cant wait till tomorrow. and i even have clean clothes now!!!!

Yesterday, Jenna, my roommate from college (the only one i ever liked) was in town for a business trip. She live in NY now, so its not often she gets to come to Boston.... so I was pretty psyched that she was here. :)

So after work, i went to her hotel room to change out of my suit.... and what a hotel room it was. it was in the Windim, in Copley, on the 29th floor!!!! NICE!!!!

So Jenna calls me and tells me to meet her in Government center, so I hope on the T and head down there. She met up with me, with Sarah and Jess in tow. Tracey somehow found us 2 minutes later as we were walking through Fanuel.

So we headed to a bar, where we muched on appetizers, sipped on cocktails, gossiped, chatted and generally caught up on everything. It was fun. Some of the guys Sarah works with met us out, and they were a lot of fun to chat with too.

We stayed at the bar til 930 ish and headed through fanuel to the t. Sarah went home. (jess had gone home earlier). Jenna, Tracey and I headed to Kenmore, where we had Angora. Angora, as every BU alum knows, is absolute heaven. Its Fro-yo that they mix for u, with whatever you want in it. Last night, i had chocolate with marshmallow and kit kat. sooo goood. so we ate our fro yo and chatted some more.

then tracey took the t home, and me and jenna walked backto the hotel in copley. i got my stuff out of the hotel room. Jenna walked me to my car. we had a bit of a freakout when the gates were pulled down on my parking garage, but it was all good. the guard let us in and i got my car out fine!

So then i drove jenna back to the hotel and headed home. I had a blast. i wish jenna lived nearer, shes so much fun to hang out with!!!

A is for Age - 26, real old!
B is for Booze - Lately, Diet Coke and Captains is my drink of choice. or Cosmos. i love Cosmos

C is for Career - I am a Lawyer, beleive it or not!
D is for Dad's name - bill
E is for Essential Item to bring to a Party - Jello Shots
F is for Favorite Songs at the Moment - Smile Like you mean it by the Killers, I wanna be inside your heaven by Carrie Underwood, and I Predict a Riot by the Kaiser Cheifs
G is for Goof off thing to do - Watch Reality Television
H is for Hometown - Gtown
I is for Instrument you play - took YEARS of piano lessons. I really suck tho
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - I bought a Strawberry Zambucca Jam at Spoiled Rotten in Maine. It is to die for!!!
K is for Kids - none right now or ever!!!
L is for Living arrangement - live with Joey in an apartment
M is for Mom's name - Paula
N is for Names of best friends - Lizzy, martha, jenny poo, Roachelle, Rachel, Jenna, Kristen, Kristy, Ayo, Salena, and if i forgot anyone, i am sorry. i love all my friends
O is for overnightHospital stays: none!!!
P is for phobias: BUGS EWWWWW
Q is for Quote you like - "Did you ever have a moment that you shared with someone that you never thought would be someone you would ever share a moment with?"
R is for Relationship that lasted longest - Umm, present with Joe
S is for Siblings - 2 brothers and 3 sisters, and who knows how many more i don't know about yet!!
T is for Texas, Ever been? - Yup, my man is from there.... i have been twice with him and once with roachelle when we drove cross country
U is for Unique trait - everything about me is unique. i am a freak
V if for Vegetable you love - asparagus
W is for Worst traits - I can't confront people. I don't show emotion well. I hold things inside that bother me
X - is for XRays you've had - ankles and teeth
Y is for Yummy food you make - enchiladas
Z is for Zodiac sign - Aquarius
Monday, June 27, 2005

I made a new friend. he doesnt want to talk to me anymore bc i am engaged. wtf. i am very sad.

so, today, i caved in and bought an ipod shuffle. Liz was borrowing one and i saw it yesterday, and it was sooooo cool and i couldnt resist. i had had had to get it. it was just so cooool. so i went to best buy after work, used whatever was left on the best buy giftcards, and bought an ipod shuffle. its so cool and little and perfect. soooo, after buying it, it dawned on me on the drive home that i have an mp3 player already. oops. well, so i had to justify it somehow. so i decided that if i wanna keep my new ipod, i have to work out at least 3-4 times a week with it. so when joe went to play basketball today, i went with him. he played and i ran/ walked around the track. i did 8 laps, and its a footpath, so i am not sure how many miles it translates into. i think its a little bigger than a high school track, so i prolly did about 2 miles, give or take a little. then i came home and did lots of situps. so hopefully if i keep this up i wont be such a fatty. lol. we'll see.....
Sunday, June 26, 2005

hmmm today was fun. it wizzzed by tho. i slept in, till around 1030. got up to watch phantom gourmet. i love that show and watch it every sunday. liz called a little after 11 to go out for china buffet. i cant resist all you can eat chinese. mmmm. so i got ready. that was PAINFUL. the shower seriously caused me to yelp. but i did get dressed, and went out to meet lizzy for some china food (joe and marc came too) it was super yummy. totally filled me right up. liz suggested going to her hosue to go swimming, and it sounded fun, so we went home, grabbed out suits and went to lizzys pool for some fun in the sun.

So we all went swimming, which felt soooo good on my burnt flesh. then lizzy and i went to the supermarket and fruit stand to pick up food to make dinner and fruit for me to eat all week. so we went back to lizzys and made hot dogs, corn on the cob and watermelon. it was super yummy. after dinner, we played trivial pursuit, 90s edition. me and joe won (for once). it was just cuz we got easier questions tho! then we went out for ice cream at gibbys, which was wicked yummy. I had a real fun sunday. thanks for the great day liz!!!

So sat am, jenny and i rose about 630, hurried and got ready, and left. it was our big beach day we planned all week. yay!!! we left my place atround 7, went to stop and shop and picked up some beach snacks, and went on the road. we drove to Ogunquit, Maine where we made it in like an hour and half. i guess i drive too fast. we were on the beach by 930. it started to get REAL hot. well, actually i think it got up to 94 degrees. in maine. in june. what is going on here? is this still new england???? so we baked. and baked. and even went swimming in the water. and it was bearable (usually i cannot go in maine water until at least august, and even then is pushing it!!!). so we stayed on the beach until 2. it was aawesome. then we wandered around ogunquit, got ice cream, went in the shops, and of course got candy at the candy store. mmm taffy, fudge, fruit slices!!! mmmmm.
after we went for dinner at mainiax, which was yummy. appetizer of mussles, then i had clam strips and jenny had fish and chips. i hope we didnt catch red tide!!
we left around 5. it was just too damn hot to be outside. on the drive home, i started feeling it. the burning. i got home, and, u guessed it, I LOOKED LIKE A MAINE LOBSTAH!!! its pretty attractive. i just need little red claws!!!
anyhow, despite the beautiful red color of my skin, i had a great beach day and cant wait itll the next one!!!

On Friday, I went out with Liz and Pookie for a night of fun. I went to Pookie's house around 730, picked her up, then headed to lizzies to move her along. we left lizzies around 8:30 and headed to Yong Shings for China Food and Kareoke. We ate some yummy food, then moved into the bar for kareoke. there were like 8 songs we TRIED to sing, but the kareoke guy couldnt get them to work. we finally settled on I Touch Myself. Pookie and I did a duet. it was hot!
there is this lady at kareoke. she goes there every day. she is always there. and she is AWFUL. she has BIGG BOOMING VOICE that makes you cringe. and she sings the SAME songs every night. my favs are last dance and paradise by the dashboard light. funny part is she looks like meatloaf. so after a while, this lady was killing us, so we had to leave. we headed to JD's which was filled with white trash (please excuse me if you happen to be white trash reading this. no offense!) It as real bad. Liz's bf (this skeeezy alcoholic 50-something year old) gave us a "hey look there are girls" when we walked in. i had to pee. this women got into the stall next to me and was making a lot of noise, and talking to herself. she actually was saying "uhhh excuse me. soorry. guess i have some gas. excuse me". EWWWWWW! who does that in public?!?!??! i was so grossed out.
well, they had a drink at jds, and i kinda hurried everyone out, because the crowd was less than stellar. we headed over to vincents, for some rincents. mmm. rincents. :) I actually had sangria there, which was real yummy. we were inside, because outside was crowded and all the seats were taken. i suggested sitting at a table with randoms, but that didnt fly to well with the girlies.
After vincents, we went home. Jenny came home with me and we had a stellar sleepover party. yay!!!!
Friday, June 24, 2005

you know the drill. answer my kwiz in the comment sections. or else!!

1. Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?

2. In one paragraph or less, describe where the gnomes are and why they are in that location.

3. What is your favorite cheese? Why?

4. What important events do i need to include in my countdown section?

5. What is your favorite color? WHy?

6. Give me a great weight loss tip, on how to drop 20 pounds before i go to the beach tomorrow

7. who is your favorite of my ex boyfriends?

8. is the glass half empty or half full? why?

9. What song should i sing at kareoke?

10. What is your favorite pizza topping? Do you like anchovies? Discuss!

11. What is your favorite celebrity couple and why?

12. Should Ryan and Marissa break up on the OC when the new season starts?

13. How do I get Simon Cowell to be my man

14. What is the greatest place this country? Why?

15. List your top 5 favorite movies, in alphabetical order!!

I hate basketball. i hate hate hate it. I hate watching it. I hate playing it. I hate hearing about it. Unfortunately, Joe loves it more than he loves me!!! And his favorite team is the San Antonio Spurs (him being from San Antonio, it makes sense!) And the Spurs, are, unfortuneately, very good.
Now usually a good sports team is neat. But with basketball, there are these things called the playoffs. The spurs always make the playoffs. and the playoffs are every other night for like 3 months.
Our first playoff basketball season together we almost broke up. Why, you may ask. Because he has to watch every single playoff game. Even when the Spurs are not playing, he has to know who else is advancing, to see who the spurs might play next!!! It makes me crazy. try not being able to do anything every other night for several months, because a basketball game is on. Honey, its Sat night, lets go out. No? O, sorry, I forgot, playoff basketball.
Well, my misery that is known as playoff basketball is over. Yay. the spurs won. which means, they played until the very end of the playoffs. it even went to a seven game series. Bleh!!!!
I am kind of glad they won, because if they didn't i would have to deal with a zombie for the next 8 months, acting miserable because the spurs lost. so they won and i am glad. but i wish tim duncan and manu genobli would run off to mexico, so that the spurs could suck and the wouldnt ever make the playoffs again. wishful thinking~~~
Thursday, June 23, 2005

Last night, I needed some girl time. So, i made plans with Pookie to go tanning. I know its bad for me, but its summer, and i am a ghostly white, and the warmth of the tanning bed makes me oh so happy. Soooo, we went tanning. I went in for 20 minutes. So i was a little stingy wen i got out. But quite happy. it really makes me feel relaxed. i love being tanned. last summer killed me. i layed out every single day. and i had the best tan ever. i looked like an island princess. so this summer, its a harsh reality that i work during the day every day and do not get to lie out by the swimming pool, eating pudding and soaking up rays. sigh. I will have to deal with fakin bakin. and our beach trip on sat. yay beach.
so after fakin bakin, me and pookie headed to liz's house. then we we headed to lake park to go walking. we walked and walked and walked/ hafta get in shape for the beach on sat!!! we are real motivated. i mean, we are giving it 3 days, for us to look bikini ready. thats enough time, right???
so after walking, we were all starving, so what better place to get dinner after working out? You guessed it!! McDonalds. yummy. for some reason the 10 peice nugget is cheaper than the 6 peice nugget, so frugal kelly got the 10 peice. like i needed it!!
we headed to lizzys house to eat our uber-healthy dinner. k10 met up with us there. it was nice to see k10, we hardly ever get to see her. i indulged in my chickn mc nugget feast. i ate 9. gave k10 the last. it had a bone in it. lol. weird huh, that the one chicken nugget i choose not to eat is the freak of the bunch. hey at least having a bone proves it has chicken in it, right??
so we sat around lizzys, watched beauty and the geek, then some dancing with the stars. cheesy i know, but o so good!! i love it. Go Joe Mac!!! (Sorry i am forever a new kids fan and will love joe mac till the day i die. ask me some time about the day me and jenna met him. great story!!!)
Glad to see my boy joe mac did not get booted. he better win. i love him.
after dancing with the stars, i headed home. went to bed. not too exciting. :)
But it was great to see my girlies. can't wait till this weekend. we have so much fun in store. kareoke at yong shings on fri night (if anyone wants to join, its an uber blast) and a nice beach day on sat!!! yay!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

My friend Martha has just started a blog. I am helping her put it together. It looks real cute, and she will start posting hopefully real soon. SO check out her blog!!!! (She is in my linkson the left, under Martha!!!!)

Yay for all the idol fanatics out there. i finally heard carrie underwoods single on the radio. Its already stuck in my head. and i know all the words. how sad is that. i miss simon. i am so trying out this summer. word on the street is that the idol auditions are coming here to boston.... though those that iknow me know that my goal is to be the next william hung. and i have been practicing my little hiney for my entire life to perform for simon.... i've narrowed my song choice. right now, its between "i'm bringing home a baby bumble bee" and "the trolley song" from Meet me in St. Louis. and both are fully choreographed. oooo simon is just gonna fall all over me. i just want to hear him say "that was ghastly". its so sexy when that comes out of his mouth!!!!

Ok, so this morning, i park my car, go into court. i come out and look for my keys. o no, where are my keys???? you guessed it, in their usual hiding spot whenever I cannot find them. the IGNITION!!! I have a real bad habit of locking my keys in my car. i do it at least once a month. at least. only this am, i am in dedham, on the side of the road!!! So i call cingular road side assistance and they say it will take 45 minutes to an hour. ewwwww. so then, i look up, the sky is a nasty grey, and all of a sudden it starts raining. so i am stuck on the side of the road, getting wet, with my keys locked in my car, and had to wait for the guy, that took an entire hour to get there!!!!! luckily my umbrella was in my briefcase. it was not a fun morning, and i hadnt even had a dunkins coffee!!!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I have a song stuck in my head. it was written by a really great friend of mine. one line runs by my eye sockets over and over and over.... "the people that I love are all around me and their missing too, their missing too." I guess that how I feel. I am around all of the people who mean the most to me, but i feel completely estranged lately. like i am on another planet from everyone else. I cant relate to anyone anymore. I just dont know...

I feel like lately i have lost sight of who I am. Does that sound weird? I lived at home for a year, and in that year reverted back to the Kelly who has to please everyone and make everything ok. Finally I have regained my independence, and I feel lost. There is so much going on in my head that I cant even begin to dream of blogging about. things way to complex for me to put into words or expressions. and way too personal to express them to my random reader base, most of who doesnt really know me.
i miss who i used to be. i used to be fun, independent, i didnt care about what anyone thought. I miss my old self with the anything goes attitude.
also i think i have lost sight of the things most important to me. i have lost track of so many of my friends. i have lost track of things i was so passionate about, like theater and performing. I am lonely. i feel so disconnected, so alone, so lost.
Monday, June 20, 2005

marthas party was for her bosses son. its not like she is friends with those little freaks. i still had fun!
Sunday, June 19, 2005

Jenna, my roommate from college is the coolest person i know. i wish i could be as cool as her. she exudes coolness
so jenna saw la bam at a party. and she asked if he was tagging jessica simpson. and he said no, it was just a rumor. its not fair. she is so cool.

I am so sick of fighting. i am ready to pull my hair out. i can't handle everything constantly being a battle. please make it better. please.

So, I had the brilliant idea last night to throw a party. i think it came at about 7, so i texted all of my peeps to come to my party. Headed to the liquor store and grabbed all the necessaries, then went home and made my fav party essentials, jello shots!! mmmm. went to do a few things, had a yummy mexican dinner, headed home and started partying. I had a blast. the jello shots were so great!! mmmm. And i made a new cocktail.... watermelon vodka and sprite. highly recommend it!! its wicked sweet and yummy and tastes like a jolly rancher. so to all my peeps who couldnt make it, there will be a next time. and for everyone that did come, wooo-yah!!!
Saturday, June 18, 2005

Yay!! I went to the Burlington Mall today, all for Chick-fil-a. in case I haven't mentioned it 8700000000 times before, chick fil a is my Favorite place on earth!!!! Its so so so so so good. I was having major cravings, so i figured i would suck it up and make the drive out to burlington for my favorite cuisine. :)

OK, so i got there and decided to shop first. but how can u shop, when all u can think about is chick fil a?!?!?!?! i am actually serious. i was having trouble concentrating on actually buying things bc all i could see in my head were the chicken nuggets dancing behind my eye sockets! I really miss jersey and its 99 percent because i miss getting chick fil a for lunch every day. I am seriously considering trying to open my own franchise. though i would become an elephant because i would actually eat there every meal of every day!!!

so, i tried to buy my lil bro a bday present. can't mention what i ended up with in the off chance he may actually read this. I did manage to get myself a jean skirt at ae and a t shirt, that says ms. brightside. i thought it was cute, even though it majorly riips off the killers. owell.

Well, i finally reached the food court. and i caved. i got an 8 pack nugget meal, with waffle fries, sweet tea, and a slice of lemon pie for dessert. i devoured it, though i did have lots of fries left that i brought home. and about half way throught the pie slice i really thought i was gonna pop, so i quit eating it. so so so so good. and i got a stuffed cow dressed up in paper board that says "eat more chicken". lol . i really love love love chick fil a.

so after that i went to a few more stores, and called it a day. i was pretty much shopped out. i miss my usual stores; in nj i could go to forever 21 when i wanted. now i have resorted to buyign all my clothes in gap, hollister and ae. i look more and more like i belong in california every time i go shopping. it will happen one day. i am just gonna up and move and become a beach bum, surfing all day. my hair will magically turn to blond and i will become wicked buff too, to go with the cali image. lol. sorry, i got stuck in a fantasy world for a sec there.

anyhow, i heart chick fil a!!!!

Last night was friday. my day, welll, sucked. i was out of the office all day at statements. I had to sit through 4 of them. basically when i go to statements, i sit there to make sure the other side isn't out of line. thats it. i can't speak, noone can speak to me. and it goes on for HOURS. there was an up. the other side is this wicked hot guy. lol. who flirts with me whenever i see him. so at least its a little interesting when they are with him. Yesterday, he actually completmented my purse. then followed it up with "i am straight, i swear. i just always notice girl's purses. and yours is so cool." lol. i was amused.

Well then i headed home. i thought i would be out early, but no such luck. i got out of the last statement at 4:56. Bleh. Then had to drive home from Quincy, taking 93 then the pike. yuck. anyhow, I got home eventually. i was supposed to go w/ liz to uxbridge to get her car fixed, but when i got home, joe was out playing basketball. so i had to wait for him to do that then shower. we finally got to uxbridge as liz was about to leave. sorry liz. well then we headed to pub 99, for some dinner. her husband met up with us. it was super yummy. i got the boneless buffalo wings, and theirs are the best ever. ever. ever. ever.

THen off to Martha's house. Martha was throwing a graduation party for her bosses son. well, when we got there, the crowd was a little young for us. when i say young, most of the party guests were 18 and under. so we didnt't stay long, out of fear that the cops would come. i cant really drink with minors . that would look bad. hahaha.

But anyway, one of the 18 year old boys apparently thought I was hot. he told martha last night!!! She called me this am, telling me, So and so thinks you are hot. he wants to know ifyou like younger men. i told him that you were engaged, but he doesnt seem to care. lol. if only i was a little younger!! he was definately a cutie pie, but 18 is a LOT young for me, even if i was single. its younger than my baby brother, and thats just nasty!!!!

so anyhow after the party, I went home, and fell asleep, like the grandma i am. i just cant hang these days!!!!!
Thursday, June 16, 2005

Last night, I hung out with my lizzie pooo. it was fun. i dont see my friends nearly enough lately. we had to get out of her house bc the realtor was coming, sooo, we went to the plaza to go shop. we tred to get me new shoes at marshalls, but found none to my liking. then we shuffled through clearance shirts and giggled at how hideous 97% of them were. it was fun. After marshalls we headed to papa ginos where we got a super healthy dinner. by super healthy, i am talking baout cheesy breadsticks. mmm. then we headed to lizards house, where we ate, chatted and watched a mix of dancing with the stars, some beauty and the geek, a little psychic detective (more out of shock that it is actually on the air) and god knows what else. lol. then i headed back to my place for beddy bye. thanks lizzzzzzie for the awesome night!!!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Answer my Kwiz in the comment section!!!

1. Name
2. Where did you grow up
3. favorite place in the entire universe
4. favorite condiment
5. Who's the Boss?
6. Favorite flavour dunkin donuts ice coffee?
7. Favorite beverage
8. can u tap dance? why or why not
9. do you beleive in gnomes?
10. favorite 6 bands
11. last item purchased at the mall
12. monkeys or lizards?
13. weirdest thing you have ever done
14. how many pets do u have? do u want more? why or why not?
15. How bored are you to be taking my kwiz?
16. what is your natural hair color. what is the weirdest color it has ever been?
17. How many peircings do yu have?
18. How many tatoos do u have?
19. do you like eggplant?
20. why do u like kelly????
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Yay, my first interview, I need 2 more, so if anyone else has questions for me ask away!!!

1. If you could choose any other career other than being a lawyer, what would it be and why?

I would do anything at all having to do with the stage. I love performing more than anything in the universe. I love working backstage, doing sets, focusing lights, working on the sound board, even directing. Honestly, if i could afford to work in just theater, I would prolly drop the lawyer thing. its my one true passion.

2. What is the one place you are dying to visit, and why haven't you gone there yet?

Africa. I really wanna go on an African Safari. I haven't been there yet because I just got out of school and have not had the money to go on such an extravagent trip. and i hate shots.. lol. but i will go...

3. Who is your best friend, and what makes he or she your best friend?

This is a real hard question for me. I have a lot of really close friends and I am not sure I actually could narrow it down to one best friend. I can narrow it down to my top few i think. hahaha. and in no particular order

Liz- she is honest and dependable and would do anything for me.
Jenny- we have been friends forever and know everything about one another. i have shared experiences with that i couldnt imagine sharing with anyone else
Joe- He apparently wants to share the rest of his life with me, so he better be one of my best friends

4. How did you meet Joe Joe Bear?

Originally, i was bringing my friend ayo back to the dorms of the law school. i was in my pajamas and looked homeless. my friends were outside flirting with these guys . i thought joe was cute so i called him over to my car and introduced myself. he was shy and i gave up. for the next few months I was dating this Jackass, Zack. I still had a major crush on joe but he wouldnt give me the time of day. finally my friends hooked us up on a group date where he was forced to talk to me. thing was it wasnt that he wasnt interested in me, he is just uber shy.

5. Why did you start blogging?

I was sad and miserable. i had taken the bar and was waiting for results. i was working a crappy temp job. my bf was 4.5 hours away. all of my friends i was used to seeing were in nj. i lived with my crazy family. i felt really lost and depressed. I read blogs, and they really seemed therapeutic, so i decided to start. it really helped, and got me through a real tough adjustment to being a grownup!!!!!

Today seemed like it stretched forever. I went to court this am for 845, where i got stuck talking to the most pertentious lawyer on earth (who happpens to be just about my age) while waiting for the motion to be heard. then I had to treck over to the superior court in the 90 degree humid weather in my suit. i felt absolutely disgusting by the time i t'd it to my office. at least we had electricity (lastnight there was a power outage in my block and I had to leave early bc the office building had no electricity. ) so i went to work, where the day passed so slow. and by 5 o clock, my boss decided to talk to me and i ended up there till 530. then for the drive home. ewwww. 530 traffic is somehow worse than 500 traffic. i did have my celly so i spent most of the drive chatting it up. thank heavens for cell fones!!!! well i got home at about 640. and then made dinner. it is now close to 730 and i am finally chilling out. and no hopes of a chill laid back night bc timmy is coming over to watch basketball with jose, so i am going to be banished to watch tv in the bedroom. just pray the spurs win the next 2 games so playoff basketball ends!!!!

Remember the days when you had your very first love? When being in love was wonderful and oh so easy.... I have been thinking of mine a lot lately. That one person that every one else in the world has to compare to.....

I met JC when i was 14 at summer camp. He was the cute older guy. Very different from me. He was a little edgy. Wore ripped jeans and red chuck taylors. Had a scruffy beard. Was a rocker. He played his guitar every day at lunch. I fell for him the day I met him.

He gave me his number one day. I remember the first time I ever called him. I dialed, it rang, he answered, i Hung up. it went on for about 20 or 30 calls. Finally, i said, "hi, is jc there?" he answered "this is". I was all "hey, its kel" and he responded "why have you been calling and hanging up????" trying to look somewhat not like the biggest geek ever, i lied to get out of it.... "That wasn't me!" but he caught me. "Yes it was, I have caller id!! Yikes!!!!" So there it was. After that we were best friends. My first call. If ANYTHING happened to me, he was the very first to know about it. We talked every day. For hours. Early on, I was so much younger than he was. I was a sophomore and he had already graduated high school. So we stayed friends. I had my first bf and he HATED HIM!!!! he was so nasty. But it was because we both had super strong feelings for each other. we always thought we were meant to be together.

So much of my teenage years was spent with him. I snuck into bars to see his band play. He usually told them I was his little sister and they would let me in. My favorite thing to do still to this day is watch him perform on stage. He is amazing. He has this way of drawing me in and keeping me there, almost as if we are alone in a room together.

We tried dating when i was 17. It didnt work. i was too young and not ready for him. so we went back to just friends. when we were together i usually brought jen. he used to comment. o man, it was me and you. and jen!! it was easier for me that way. I didn't know how to deal with the feelings i had for him.

Still we made a promise. "Promise that if I ever turn 30, and am not married, you will marry me??" "of course!" He was the one person always there for me as my safety net.

so we went back to being just friends. well, if you can ever really be just friends with someone that you feel so strongly about. he met my next bf and was just as nasty to him as the first. he's never liked 1 of my bfs.

In college we tried it again. I lived in Boston and he was in worcester. neither of us had a car. can u guess how well it worked? but we still talked every day. i knew every detail of his life and vice versa. I started dating Alex, my ex. He was nicer to alex, but still not really nice. We stayed best friends. I finally turned 21 and could actually get into the bars where his band played. I went to see him whenever I could.

I went off to law school in NJ. We still talked occasionally, but I hardly ever got to see him. He wanted to be with me. I wanted to be with him. But we were 5 hours away. Then I met Joe. and he kinda took the back seat. I saw him over the summer between second and third year of law school. He told me how much I meant to him. I pushed him away. I havent seen or talked to him since.

I miss him so much. i miss seeing him play, feeling like he was singing just for me. I miss looking into his eyes and knowing he actually knows whats going on inside of my head. I miss my best friend that was always there for me. But, with every first love, I had to put it behind me, because it could never work between us. And we could never be just friends. we both know that.

So, if you wanna share your first love stories please do!! I am waiting!!!
Monday, June 13, 2005

Went to the mall with Pookie and her lil sis! It was great fun. there is nothing i love more than the mall!!!!! I bought more than i prolly should have, but alas, i never get to shop with the girls, its always with joe, sooooo... heres a recap

Bath and Body works semi annual sale. got the pumpkin face mask and the cocoa lotion, buy one get one free. i couldnt resist!!!

Hollister- got some really cute jeans and 2 cute summer tees. i looked for my jean jacket, but they had 1 and it was a small. pooo.

Aeropostale- got some really cute sparkly flats. yay!! i have been wanting some and they are gonna look wicked cute with my new jeans!!

I love love love shopping!!!!!
Sunday, June 12, 2005

Got up early yesterday, around 9. Fooled around with my blog skin some more. Yay!! Eventually i made a super yummy breakfast. Corn beef hash and the best egg and cheese sandwich I have ever had. mmmmm. Eventually showered.

Went to plymouth in the afternoon. Had to pick my dress up from the bridal shop for Roach's wedding. its really pretty!!! :) We went out with Roach and Jon to the Cabby shack for some super yummy drinks, with a gorgeous view of the ocean. i wish i lived on the ocean, no fair!!!!! Then we had an awesome seafood dinner, mmmm!! I had fried scallops which were delicious!!

Went to see the sites of Plymouth, the mayflower, the rock. It was fun. and it was gorgeous walking outside there. i love the ocean. had some uber yummy ice cream. Headed back to roach's house, where we chatted and chatted till late night. then headed home. i Had a great day!!! Thanks for having us Roach and John!!!!

O and watch out, i took pictures that will be added to the webshots soon so keep checkin back!! there are some funny ones....
Saturday, June 11, 2005

Hmm. Got out of work early again. I had a statement, where the clients didnt show. so i went home at 2. Yay!! Rolled in my apt around 3:00, and just kinda hung out for a few hours.
Aound 6, brought Joe to my parents house, he had plans to hang out with my brother. hanging out with my brother ALWAYS involves getting ripped, so i dropped him off. didnt want him driving from g-town drunk. too many windy country roads.
Martha and Betty came over. Yay!! Girls night. we walked to the convenience store, where betty bought some chips and dips, then to the deli where Betty got a sandwich. Headed to my place. we tried to decide on a movie, but the netflicks has been sending us mostly series dvd's lately, so my up and current movie collection is not so current. So we watched thr 2 episodes of hit my baby one more time that I had tivo'd. the first episode good, the second was really bad. i mean REAL BAD!!!! lol. those people need to just retire. old people should not try to remake Blink 182 and Norah Jones. it doesnt work!
Then, we put on some real sex on HBO on demand. its funny. :) Betty and Martha went home, and I drove to my parents house to pick up Joe. On the way, i talked to my friend Dino who was TRASHED. made me kinda sad. "kel,why ARN'T YOU HERE!! WE ARE HAVING SO MUCH FUN!!!!! COME DOWN TO PHILLY NOW!!!!!" I wish i could have!!!!! I miss going out all the time.
so I went to my parents house where my bro was having a mini party by the pool. the pool btw is drained. its weird. i think there is a hole in the liner and we need a new one. so there is NO WATER in my pool. my question, where did it go???? how does one drain a 100,000 gallon pool?? (we have the most ridiculous pool on earth. its huge and L shaped, like 2 normal pools stuck together) so i hung out with my bro and his friends for a while and watched them all drink. and drink they do! I couldnt ever ever keep up with them. they drank zombies, suffering bastards, grand marnier straight. had i been drinking with them, i would be floating at the bottom of the empty pool!!!!
So we headed back to my apt eventually, and i finished the bottle of wine i started on thurs night, then drank a few glasses from a box of wine in my fridge ( i was gonna open champagne, my drink of choice, but i knew i wasnt gonna finish the bottle and didnt want it to be flat. I eventually fell asleep with a pretty good wine buzz.
wow, my life is exciting!
Friday, June 10, 2005

last night i was feeling kinda blah. I didn't really wanna be cooped up at home, i knew joe would be watching basketball, and no one ever wants to go out on thursdays nights. sooo, i figured my thurs was gonna suck. i opened a bottle of wine and started drinking it. by myself. in my room, while i watched reruns of the OC. So I got bored and started texting my friends, and got about 49 texts in the course of the next hour. then, i chatted it up for the rest of the night on my fone. it was nice. i never get to sit around and chat. and it really picked my spirits up!!!! so yay to a night of chatter!!!
Thursday, June 09, 2005

my life is back to its normal, unintersting self. i had an ok day. went to court this am and the other atty didnt show. i Was there for a total of 5 minutes b4 we rescheduled the conference. so i went to dunkins on my way back to the office. since i was supposed to be in ct most of the morning, my boss didnt really leave me anything to do. so i essentially had from 9:15 till 1 o'clock to amuse myself. I talked to pookie on im. then i made some blog skins for my friends. i am definately getting better!!!
Well, my boss gets in around 1, and STILL has nothing for me to do. i sat around waiting for him to think of something until 4ish, at which point he sent me home early. very nice. so i zipped home, before the traffic.
so i kinda put away the laundry thats been sitting around since last weekend, ate dinner and i am goofing off online now. i uploaded all of my new orleans pics. yay!!
anyhow, if my life suddenly gets less lame, i will let u know

Stolen from Lauren, who got it from ,Janet , Loo and Meg.

Fill in the blanks in the comment area.
I ____ Kelly.
Kelly is ____.
Kelly thinks a lot about _______.
When I think of _________, I think of Kelly.
If I were alone in a room with Kelly, I would _______.
I think Kelly should _____.
Kelly needs ______.
I want to ____________ Kelly.
If I could describe Kelly in a word: _______.

I never thought it would come. 40 degrees in May. who would have ever ever thought that it could lead to 87 degrees in June??? this weekend is supposed to be insane!! Hot and more humid every passing day. :) Luckily on Sat, Joe Joe Bear and I have plans to visit Roach in Plymouth. :) Maybe we will get a nice cool ocean breeze. Or i could even drag them into the ocean at Plymouth Rock (Joe has been itching to see the damn rock. lol. he's in for a HUGE disappointment. lol)
So this am, i totally got into my summer state of mind with my ice coffee from Dunkin Donuts. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the coconut ice coffee with a shot of the mocha syrup (from the lattes). it is UNBELEIVABLE!!! its like a choco-coconut summer treat!! I highly recommend it, try it with just cream, the sugar makes it almost too sweet.
so, finally it is upon us. wearing little or no clothes, lying in the sand by the beach, getting rid of the glowing white tone to my skin. :) (though i think i may pick up an airbrush kit to avoid the side effects of the sun. Erin scared me enough to keep me from roasting myself. So, off to the beaches I will go. my favorite season is upon us!!!!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Ok, i got my webshots pictures up. I tested the link, and it is right this time. so feel free to flip through, giggle, laff, have a blast. the new orleans ones are not complete. i ran out of space when i posted them, so i have to redo them. but have some fun checkin em out!!!
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

. What color are your kitchen plates? half are lime green, half are periwinkle

2. What are you reading now? I don't read
3. What is on your mouse pad?No mouse pad, i use a laptop with a touch screen
4. Favorite board game?trivial pursuit past 20 years
5. Least favorite smells? cat pooo
6. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the
morning? 5 more minutes 5 more minutes
7. Favorite color(s): pink and yellow
8. Least favorite color(s): brown
9. How many rings until you answer the phone? i never answer
10. Future child's name? malikai and isssak (after my lizards)
11. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
12. Do you like to drive fast? waaay fast
13. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? yes. cordoroy. my mom bought him for my sister when she was born. I stole him and he's slept in my bed ever since!! Joe refers to him as "rags"
14. Thunderstorms...cool or scary? cool
15. What was your first car? a bright blue chevy cavalier
16. What is your sign? aquarius
17. Do you eat the stem of broccoli? I eat all the broccoli, mmmm!!!
18. If you could have any job what would it be? princess
19. If you could have any hair color, what would it be? light blond
20. Is the glass half full or half empty? neither, i spilled it
21. Favorite movie(s): Princess Diaries, What a girl wants
22. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?never
23. What's under your bed? things i haven't unpacked yet
24. Favorite number? 69
25. Favorite sport to watch? Curling
26. Your single biggest fear? Ketchup
27. Person most likely to respond:who knows
28. Person least likely to respond: see above
29. Ketchup or mustard? mustard. ketchup is the most disgusting substance on earth. i HATE HATE HATE it
30. Hamburger or hot dog? hamburger
31. Favorite alcoholic drink? Cosmos
32. The best places you have ever been? Italy. Venice and Capri were my favorite
33. What wallpaper is on your computer right now? I had an New Orleans picture, but the webshots keeps changing it!!
34. Favorite fast food? McDonalds
35. What is your birth name? Kelly Ann Broadbent
Monday, June 06, 2005

OK, so i think I actually have a design that works. my comments work, my titles work, my links work, my archives work. the only thing left is my tagboard, and i dont know what that is!! my next job... linking up the webshots!!! yay!!!

Last week:
Once I got home from New Orleans, i basically played catch up, to ordinary life!!!! my sis came over on thurs and we had dinner, um, breakfast. lol. me and joe made pancakes, corned beef and eggs for dinner. it was yummy yummy!!!! then I chilled out. it was nice.

got out of work a little early. wandered around central square waiting for Joe Joe Bear. Bought some new clothes at the Gap. Joe finally arrived. Drove to South Boston for my Cousin's Surprise BDay party. it was a real hard bday for him. his best friend disappeared during the Sunami, this past Christmas. As if thats not bad enough, they shared the same birthday. so it was a real hard one for him to get through. he didn't want to celebrate at all. so my cousin Jen threw him a surprise bday, which he really appreciated.

I slept in. for the first time in over a month, in my own bed. it was so nice. so refreshing. I really needed it. it was 85 on saturday. sent my body into shock. i was so so so excited.
Me and Joe had a Blah saturday. I went to my dad's to help him with something he's been bugging me about. then I went to the laundomat with Joe, where we did a months worth of laundry. it sucked!!!! we do not have a washer and dryer, or even hookups, so we will be doing laundry at the laundry mat until we can buy a house or move!!! then we went to my house, and did a few more errands there. we then went grocery shopping, and spent almost 200 dollars, since our cupboards were pretty bare!!!
We went home, put away the groceries, and went to dinner with liz and marc, at this new mexican? restaurant. it was interesting. not bad, just not mexican. i liked it. but definately not normal mexican!!!!
then, we went to the amazing superstore, where we missed seeing a porn star by 5 minutes!!!! pooo!!!
then home nad off to bed!!

I slept in again. it was so nice. i actually feel rested today. joe went to play basketball, and i hung out and watched the series finale of radio free roscoe that i tivo's from a week ago. it made me cry!!! i am such a reject sometimes. he got back and showered, and we went to the Natick mall, where we wandered around and around. it was nice. then we went to the christmas tree shop, but didn't buy anything. Then we went to target looking for snacks but didnt see any. then we went home.
i made dinner, ah-so chicken, corn and rice. it was super yummy. we hung out for a while and then watched "lemminy snicket's a series of unfortunate events". it was good, but not exactly a children's movie!!! kinda dark!!
then of to bed.

Today (monday)
got up for work. went to court. leaving court, i wasnt watching where i was going and feel down the cement stairs, skinning my knee, running my panty hose, and twisting my ankle. i felt like an idiot. anyhow, not much else!!!
Friday, June 03, 2005

sorry for my blog being in shambles. i keep having problems with my skins. i am gonna get it right this weekend, i swear!!!!

hmmm, i think i left off with my crazy sunday. monday, we were poooped!!! we kinda laid around till 4ish. starving, we got Krystal. mmm, yummy hamburgers. went shopping and even to a voodoo shop. then we had an awesome Nawleans dinner. went with jen, who got her tarot cards read. it was so neat!!!!! then back to bourbon street. we went in and out of a few bars, had a hand grenaded (mmmm) and then shopped at hustler!!! i love the hustler store!!!!! We crashed pretty early. the next day, we got up, and had to leave. :( i wanna go back!!!!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

so we got up sunday am. at like 1. we were all pretty spent. we got dressed and went out to explore the city. we headed to Jackson square, and stopped in at lots of little shops, picking up souveniers. Then we went to Margaritaville for lunch. it was really yummy. after lunch, we went to the French market and did some shopping. i got the dooney and bourke knockoff of a purse i wanted for 25 dollars!! yay!! then, off to cafe du monde for ice cafe lattes and beignets. those are sooo sooo good. i bought a box for joe and i to make at home. mmmm. thought we would chill, but roach and I went to scope our some restaurants. we got diverted and ended up exploring the Hustler store, where roach bought some midget porn, as a gift of course!!! headed back to the hotel and informed karen and jen that we liked the restaurant. we met up with roach's sisters and mom and all went to dinner at this nice italian restaurant on bourbon street.
after dinner, we went back to the hotel and got ready real quick, and headed out to pat o'briens for some hurricanes. lol. i had 3. i was tanked at the very first bar. we met some awesome guys, that were in the airforce. lol. The one i chatted with all night had just gotten out and was going to University of Utah for pre-med. well, the guys decided that they would join our bachelorette party. hahha.
Our next stop was a transvestite strip club. The poor boys!! i was disturbed enough, but luckily hammered. Roach went onstage with a stripper.
After the trannie club, we went to hustler. the guys definately needed the change of scenery. Morgan had the great idea of getting Roach a lapdance in the champagne room. i tried to take pictures, but the bouncer made me delete them.
After hustler, i think we all went to 3 more bars!! i was really really drunk. at 5ish, we headed to our hotel, where roach, karen and I hung out by the pool with the guys we met. we had a blast. they were really nice and matched our personalities perfectly. we had breakfast when the continental brakfast opened. i was such a mess, i spilled orange juice, tea, and a plate of strawberries all over the place. oops. we finally headed upstairs to sleep some time between 8:30 and 9, because the guys were flying out and had to pack. it was an absolutely INSANE night!!!!!!
stay tuned for part 3!!!

I don't even know where to start. my weekend was INSANE. just crazy, all out insanity. But oh, so much fun!!!!!
Hmmm. Friday night I stayed at Roach's house. We got up at 4:20 and got ready for the plane flight. Stopped at Dunkies, got some coffee. picked up Karen, headed back to Roach's house and we all packed in (including roach's mom, who came with us!!!!!) and went to the airport. The flight was long. I slept most of the way, had my mp3 player on shuffle and listened to some RANDOM music. Met Jen at the airport. took a shuttle to the hotel.
We got to the hotel, the room wasnt quite ready, so we got some lunch. Roach wanted Popeye's chicken. it was better than I remember it being in Philly! maybe because there was a nice cajun spice to it. we headed back to the hotel, and waited for Roach's sisters who were coming in from CA and MN. we vegged for a while.
Roach wanted to do a tour, so she asked the hotel people which was the best. lol. they told us the ghosts, vampires and voodoo was grewat. they lied. we went on the lamest 2 hour walking tour EVER. we did however get a good history lesson. unfortunately, we learned NOTHING about ghosts, vampires or voodoo!!!! we were a lot disappointed. we went to the hotel bar and had some free drinks. mmmm.
then we were all starving, went to this sketchy place across the street. it was like 11:30 so our options were limited. i had a pulled pork sandwich which was really good. mmm. then roach, karen, jenn, morgan and I went out to bourbon street. had some slushy drinks which were super. we bar hopped a bit, and ended up at the piano bar. so fun. Roach got up on stage and they sang "ruber dicky" to her. hahaha. we all got a good laugh. we had a late night, filled with drinks. then went to the hotel and passed out.
stay tuned for part 2!!!!