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princesskellyscastle.blogspot.com ♥
Monday, January 31, 2011

I have had enough of the snow. enough enough enough!! there is like 3 feet out there. and its not getting any better. we are looking at 15 to 20 more inches this week. ugggh. why did i decide massachusetts was the right place for me?? sunny california is looking really good right about now!!!!!!

Ahhh an end to a perfect birthday. Today was a really nice day. Actually a really nice weekend. Friday night doug took me to see dismemberment plan at the paradise. We went with erick and Sarah. It was a great show and the paradise is the best venue in Boston to see bands, hands down. Saturday I planned a night out with everyone. We went to wrights chicken farm the bowling. It was a really nice night. My family and friends all came. Today was more low key. Spent time with doug and Tori at home. Went to my moms for a bday party. My mom was so cute, she made me a cake out of rice krispie treats, which I love. Then she watched Tori while I went with doug to league bowling night, where he bowled and I hung out with all our friends. Home now, lying in bed, baby sleeping. I am quite happy with my 32nd bday. Xoxo

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Second Xmas was a success. Way better than first Xmas. Xmas first was too hectic n too rushed. Today we got pressies and had yummy food. Sandy came in from NYC n the whole fam was together.

At bowling watching doug now. Baby loves slax. Very cute.

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Happy Christmas. What, it's not Christmas you say? Well it's second Christmas for my family. Sandy couldn't make Christmas so we are having it again today. The while to do. A big fancy dinner, presents, family. Wasn't it bad enough the first go round??!

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tonite doug has us watching "I think we're alone now", a documentary about a transvestite and a guy with asbergers that both stalk tiffany, the 80s pop sensation. All I can say is poor Tiffany. Seriously these guys are so freaking creeeeepy!!! My gut reaction is why the hell would anyone want to document this? They are both crazy enough to be locked up for the stalking.
On another note the transvestite in this movie is super super super weird. This is a must see for all who like terrible movies. It's right up there with Jesus Christ vampire slayer.
I give it 3 thumbs up.

Ooo my first mobile blog. How exciting. Things have been busy busy. I love being a mommy. My baby is getting so big!!! She is the cutest kid. It's crazy how much I want to be with her all te time. Seeing her smile at me is my most favorite thing in the world. She will be 12 weeks tomorrow!! I can't even beleive it.
Monday, October 25, 2010


so i havent blogged in a million years. deal with it!!!

things have been a little crazy.

so let me catch you up.


me and doug got married in march. we eloped sorta. told a few people, and ran away for the weekend to rockport to get married at a perfect oceanside location. it was perfect and beautiful and perfect.

we have a baby on the way. like any day now! she is due on halloween. could it be any more appropos? nervous, excited, scared. doesnt begin to even describe it.

other stuff....

work is fine. no one wants to hear about that. :)
friends are good. holla bitches.
social life nonexistent. try being big and fat and huge and uncomfortable all the time and want to do anything socially.
doug caught diabetes. we are learning to deal with that. could be good for us both, if we start eating super healthy. i have already said goodbye to all yummy carbs and fatty foods. the poor baby will never know what french fries or baked potatoes are!!!!
puppies are great. paris is a nutjob. totally excited to dress her up for halloween. :) and chunk is a darling.
family is crazy. timmy turned 30. holy oldpants!!! :) and stac is her normal wonderful self. the little one, well, hes the same. and the parents are out of their minds. at leasr they are all excited for the grandbaby.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

so its 2010. wow that sounds so space age. i am all set for a fabulous year.

I have officially kicked off my healthy start. lets see how long it lasts. 2009 was an unhealthy year. i got fat. so not cool. so now, i have kicked it into high gear.

i joined a gym. for 99 dollars i got a whole year. yay for bargains!!!! its like 2 seconds from my new office, so no excuses to not go. i have to when i leave work every day. so i am doing 5 days of cardio, 3 days of weights.

my goal is to drop 10 pounds in january and 35 for June. lets see if i can do it. i am the heaviest i have ever been, and totally not cool with that.

also i am eating good... follow my sparkpage (kelly130). cheer me on as the fat melts away... maybe i will even revive my de-fatting blog through there.

anyhow, i am focused and totally ready to kick the year off right. i go to florida with jenny on jan 23. so i want to fit into some of my clothes at least by then.
Thursday, December 10, 2009

you should check these out. so so good.

1. Dashboard Confessional- ALter the Ending
2. Phoenis- Wolfgang Amedeus Phoenix
3. Julian Casablancas- Phrazes for the Young
4. Passion Pit- Manners

They are on shuffle on my ipod. All of them totally rock.



its christmas season. bah humbug. well, i guess im not totally grinchalicious this year. actually have started xmas shopping, and its not even the week of xmas!! go me!!

i kinda feel like doing the whole holiday thing this year. baking cookies, wrapping presents, dressing the dog up like santa. :) maybe i will even make holiday cards with paris. how cute would that be?
Monday, December 07, 2009

So this is my puppy paris. She really isnt a puppy. she is actually a 6 year old rescue that was a puppy mill breeding dog. i fell in love with her the moment i met her and treat her like she is a junior princess, taking after me of course!!!

Notice how cute she looks dressed up!

I added a new face to my blog. How refreshing. So all of my zero readers can enjoy the new look.

Ahhh deep into the holiday season. I hate this time of year. Hate hate hate. Its always so stressful. I hate shopping for other people. I hate getting together with my family. i hate all the drama that accompanies the whole several months of it. bah humbug. haha. yeh i am a bundle of cheer.

i got a dog. and gave away my kitten. nice, eh. the order was reversed. my mom made me get rid of her, and i couldnt bring her to dougs because his dog would eat her. so she is living with a friend of mine, driving him as crazy as she drove me.

the dog is a doll. she is a tiny little maltese that i adopted back in october. she is wonderful with the exception that she does not understand the concept of using outside to go to the bathroom. haha funny little thing. she is the cutest dog ever, and i named her after my idol, paris. she loves to ride around in my purse and wear clothes. i heart her.

other than that, not much new. things good with doug right now. :) things good at work for the most part. my family is crazy as always.